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Instagram recently announced that they are removing the ability to see 'likes' on other people's photos. This is supposed to help combat an epidemic of mental health issues that has been attributed in part, to chasing engagement on social media channels. @dandtmakesthree on Instagram  I get that, but I want to counteract the narrative that social media contributes to poor mental health: Instagram has, at times over these past months, been an absolute lifeline for me. Yes, it's difficult to remember *not real life* or *not all life* when confronted with pictures of smiling, happy, skinny new mums; or perfectly clean houses; or goofy, cute, non-screaming babies - but there is a community of amazing women, work-at-home or stay-at-home mums, or working mums, creative and creating mums, and this sense of us all just trying our best and sharing the good things has been amazingly uplifting. You see, we KNOW that this one picture of a perfect, giggly baby is the only o...

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