Baked Potato

Yesterday, on her due date, our Spud popped into the world.

I started having the ‘show’ on Saturday evening, following a good few days of period-type pains which I assumed were just Braxton Hicks as I’d been led to believe that ‘true’ contractions started at the top of the abdomen and spread down, whereas pretty much all of mine were spread from the bottom of my abdomen, across my pelvis and into my hips and thighs.

T and I went for a walk on Saturday afternoon, and by 6pm these cramps had become strong enough that I started tracking them on the Ovia App. I rang Triage at around 1am, and was advised to have a bath and relax but we ended up going into the Maternity Ward for about 3am. I was monitored for four hours but nothing was changing so I was told to go home and head back in when things had ‘progressed’.

Several hours of discomfort, rocking back and forward, and making groaning noises later T decided that things had ‘progressed’ far enough and we got back to Triage just in time for my waters to break over the midwife’s hand as she checked to see if I was dilated.

I’m not going to go through my experience of labour here – mostly because I was quite out of it for most of the time, and I don’t feel emotionally ready to relive a lot of it.

But Spud popped into the world at 3:36 on her due date, weighing 7lb 9oz, and complete with all of her fingers and toes. I always was good at baking potatoes...

And that’s all we can ask for, isn’t it?


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