Looking Back Over My Shoulder

I said, back at the beginning of pregnancy, that when I got to the end I’d look back and be surprised at how quickly it seems to have gone, even though, at the time, it dragged like a zombie.  Well, I’m not doing that. I’m looking back and thinking “Oh lord, was that only in June? It feels like years ago!”

Weeks Four to Eight: Sleeping.
Weeks Nine to Twelve: Bloating.
Weeks Thirteen to Twenty: Impatient.
Weeks Twenty-One to Twenty-Five: Is she pregnant or just fat?
Weeks Twenty-Six to Week Thirty: Leggings are Life.
Weeks Thirty to Thirty-Five: Walrus.
Weeks Thirty-Five to End: My everything hurts.

These past few weeks have been pretty difficult, what with one thing and another. When I decided on my leave date from work I was concerned that it may be too early and that I’d be restless, and, while I am a little bored at times, with the way I’ve been feeling I know I made the right decision: I couldn’t have got through the rush-hour commute, a full day in retail during the January rush, and a commute home! It’s been nice to have these last little bits of time to myself, even if I have been in pain for most of it!

At my GP appointment last week she said that I should start drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea: it's alleged to help with labour (but should definitely not be drunk before medically advised during pregnancy!!) as it supposedly helps with things like muscle tone in the uterus so it works more efficiently during contractions. I'd heard that it tastes foul, so when T brought some home for me I was a bit apprehensive, but, actually, I quite like it! So that's a bonus at least.

How did you occupy yourself during maternity leave? And how do you reflect on your experience of pregnancy?


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