
I’ve just got back from my Thirty-Two week appointment with the GP. I know it’s a week early but next week is Christmas!

Everything is ticking along as normal and there’s no cause for concern. Although as the Doctor was checking Spud’s position, she looked alarmed and noted that Spud was very low and head down. I replied that I’ve been carrying low since day one and Spud has been upside-down since at least twenty-weeks so I’m not worried, but the GP seemed a little perturbed that Spud might make an appearance very soon! Either that or she’s gearing up to make a quick exit – we can only hope!

Spud’s measuring at exactly 31 weeks, and her heartbeat is clear and strong. She’s wriggling and booping around constantly now, though I’m still not used to it at all! It’s a peculiar feeling, especially when I’m out in public as I wonder whether other people can notice when she has a particularly big roly-poly?

Everything has been bought and packed for our hospital bags (except for the few bits that T and I are gifting each other for Christmas) as we will be travelling across the country on Christmas Day and we want to take all of the essentials with us just in case!

How did everyone else get on with their GP appointments? And are you ready for Christmas yet?


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