
T and I had our Twenty-Eight week appointment with the Midwife this morning, and all seems well - even if it feels like forever since we last saw a Midwife! And, following the theme of our appointments, it was a different Midwife. At this point I feel as though we may have met most of the team, which is actually great as it means we'll maybe have met everyone by the time it comes for me to pop, and there's a good chance we'll know the person faffing around with my lady-bits in the hospital.

She asked questions about my symptoms and responded in much the same way as the GP did the other week; a sympathetic nod and a ‘Yeah…’ I know aches and pains are to be expected, and partly I’m frustrated that there’s not really anything that can be done about them, but I’m also partly relieved that no one seems to be worried and, therefore, everything is progressing normally.

I gave in a pee sample and she took my blood pressure (all fine) and a couple of tubes of blood for testing, then I hopped up on the bed for her to find the heartbeat. As with the scan, Spud wasn’t playing along! She was fairly obviously lying along the right of my tummy as there was a big bulge pushing out of the side, but the moment the midwife put the doppler there, the bump scooched all the way over to the left! The midwife chased the movement with the scanner, but Spud rolled over and hid somewhere in the middle – T and I couldn’t help but laugh. Eventually the heartbeat was found, was fine, and Spud is obviously doing well in there!

I spent a little time during the week looking up, and prepping, a Birth Plan, and the midwife seemed quite impressed with the work! I found the images on a website associated with The Positive Birth Book, and it's really helpful as it's easier to see preferences quickly rather than scanning through a list of bullet points. She talked through some of the options with us, and, at this stage, I'm happy with the choices we've made. And we also booked our antenatal class for January, so that's something exciting to look forward to!

How was everyone else’s Twenty-Eight week appointment?


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