Toy Story

I’m definitely in full-on nesting mode! As I wrote a couple of weeks ago  I have been working on a couple of crochet and knitting projects and making up a couple of baby blankets.

I really enjoy crafting, especially with yarn, as it gives my hands something to do while I’m watching TV, or, at the moment, if my back is hurting too much to do much else! (Though it’s much, much better after seeing Stevie last week!

I learned to knit years and years ago, and taught myself to crochet while I was working freelance and having to travel a lot on trains, as a single crochet hook is a lot less obtrusive, and less potentially offensive, than a pair of whacking great knitting needles. However, as much as I enjoyed the two projects I have been working on, I often get distracted (believe it or not) and want to work on something else for a while. So, one of the reasons I would say I prefer crochet over knitting is the speed at which it can be worked up, and I can often complete one or two little projects in an afternoon.

I love making amigurumi, little crochet toys, as they’re adorable, and also make great gifts. I’ve made a bunny-rabbit for Spud, and a mouse for a friend who has recently announced their pregnancy. It’s relaxing and rewarding when a work comes together so quickly – there’s a real sense of achievement.

Did you craft anything for your Spud during pregnancy? What is your favourite craft method?


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