Spud Stuff

There are a couple of things during this pregnancy that I am immensely grateful for, and I just wanted to share them with you all. Sharing the love.

First off, let’s state the obvious and say that yes, naturally I’m grateful for T, and our friends and family, and all that jazz – but we’re talking here about material things that have made my life much easier so far, and there are a few products, without which I’d be even more of a mess than I currently am.

DreamGenii Pillow: T bought this for me at around week fourteen. I didn’t necessarily need it then, but, now, I’m glad we got it early as it enabled me to get used to the shape, and how I liked using it before it became a fundamental aspect of my ability to get to sleep.
I dithered for a few days about which one to buy; I read all of the reviews and looked at all of the pictures, and I decided on this one: I liked the shape and that it can also be manoeuvred in such as way so as to be used as a feeding pillow too. I’m intending to breastfeed so anything that might make this process easier too is welcome! I also like that there are different covers available – I’m going to get a couple and change them as I do my bedding (or when Spud upchucks over it. Inevitable).

Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula for Stretch Marks: What can I say about this that hasn't already been said? Smells like a dream, massages into skin beautifully, absorbs quickly, and leaves my poor, stretched and itchy skin feeling soft and smooth.
I don't (yet) have stretch marks from pregnancy, but I do have old scars from being ridiculously overweight as a teenager, so whether the lack of current marks is down to my skin remembering what to do, or through using the cocoa butter, I don't know. I do know, though, that I use this every day and it's amazing, and at the very least the scent relaxes and calms me, and I feel as though I'm bonding with Spud as I chat with her as I apply it across my bump.

Hottie: A couple of years old now, so we’re certainly getting our moneys’ worth! Another gift from T, as I’m regularly plagued with back and hip pains, (though thanks to Stevie at theLodge.Space, my back is a lot better than it was this time last week!) these little wheat bags are designed to be popped in the microwave for a couple of minutes, and the warmth is so comforting on my sore muscles!
Hedwig Hootie Owl is being retired now, as he’s starting to smell more like burning than lavender and oats, but I couldn’t have made it this far without him! Especially as I’m not able to use ibuprofen or voltarol gel, which are my usual go-to’s for pain management. He's been replaced with a super snazzy leopard print version, but Hedwig Hootie got me to 22 weeks, and for that I'm grateful!

Which products could you not have done without during your pregnancy?

P.S. I've not been paid, gifted, or otherwise prompted to promote the two linked products. I just really like them! Having said that, if anyone wants to give me free stuff, go for it! I'm not proud!


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