Second Symptoms
It’s been a while since I wrote a rundown of the weird symptoms I’ve been experiencing, so here we go – lucky you!
The aforementioned bad back, (another shout out to Stevie at theLodge.Space who practically transformed my shoulders from rocks to something close to jelly!), and hip issues I was kind of expecting. I’m pregnant after all, so my weight has increased in a very short space of time, meaning that my centre of gravity hasn’t really had time to catch up and even me out, as would potentially happen during weight gain for other reasons. I’ve also become very veiny – I’ve got quite pale skin, so with increased blood flow comes increased vein size, and they’re currently tracing out a map of the highways and byways of England across my body. In other skin news, I'm turning into the grumpy bear that I always planned to be as I'm sprouting soft downy hairs all over my tummy and thighs. Again, apparently, normal. Just weird. It's the same hormones that caused the hair on my head to become full and lustrous: hormones don't discriminate where the hair might be, they just plump it up...
I’ve also had to visit the GP this week with a UTI – again, not uncommon in pregnancy as the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder and potentially causing issues. I’m relatively prone to them anyway, and my Grandma recalled that she had a few while pregnant with my mum, so it didn’t come as too much of a shock, although I’m annoyed that I had to take a day off work to see the GP as they couldn’t fit me in on any of my days off! I’ve been given a course of pregnancy-safe antibiotics, and hopefully it’ll all clear up in a couple of days.
However, something that has taken me by surprise, and I wish I’d been warned about this (though I completely understand why no one wants to talk about it) is the sheer amount of moisture that seems to have appeared from my body. I’m a mess. I’m peeing every ten-minutes or so; Spud seems to like standing on her head, and occasionally will do this weird flippy thing which puts pressure on my bladder and means I have to actually sprint to the toilet. I nearly missed a train to work last week as I got to the end of the road and had to run back up the hill to the house (which I’m sure made for an amusing sight). I’m changing my pants a couple of times each day, because my lady bits are gearing up to actually, ya know, have a damn baby; and, due to body temperature increases, I’m sweating a lot more. Also, weirdly, hormones have caused my sweat to actually change smell. Yep, that’s right, I *smell* different, and it’s really peculiar. I keep catching a whiff (not massively unpleasant, just, you know what I mean), and it’s like “Oh lordy, is that me?!” I shower and bathe regularly, use deodorant and perfume daily, and still this new aroma wafts through and it’s highly disconcerting.
Some of the symptoms I experienced during the first trimester, boob expansion, fatigue, etc. have continued but I’ve either got used to the sensations or it’s eased for the time being, as I haven’t gone up any more in my bra size, and I can often get through a whole day without a nap, now! Fortunately the dizziness and headaches haven't made too much of a reappearance recently - long may that continue...
How is everyone else getting on with the second trimester? Any weird symptoms during this time?
The aforementioned bad back, (another shout out to Stevie at theLodge.Space who practically transformed my shoulders from rocks to something close to jelly!), and hip issues I was kind of expecting. I’m pregnant after all, so my weight has increased in a very short space of time, meaning that my centre of gravity hasn’t really had time to catch up and even me out, as would potentially happen during weight gain for other reasons. I’ve also become very veiny – I’ve got quite pale skin, so with increased blood flow comes increased vein size, and they’re currently tracing out a map of the highways and byways of England across my body. In other skin news, I'm turning into the grumpy bear that I always planned to be as I'm sprouting soft downy hairs all over my tummy and thighs. Again, apparently, normal. Just weird. It's the same hormones that caused the hair on my head to become full and lustrous: hormones don't discriminate where the hair might be, they just plump it up...
I’ve also had to visit the GP this week with a UTI – again, not uncommon in pregnancy as the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder and potentially causing issues. I’m relatively prone to them anyway, and my Grandma recalled that she had a few while pregnant with my mum, so it didn’t come as too much of a shock, although I’m annoyed that I had to take a day off work to see the GP as they couldn’t fit me in on any of my days off! I’ve been given a course of pregnancy-safe antibiotics, and hopefully it’ll all clear up in a couple of days.
However, something that has taken me by surprise, and I wish I’d been warned about this (though I completely understand why no one wants to talk about it) is the sheer amount of moisture that seems to have appeared from my body. I’m a mess. I’m peeing every ten-minutes or so; Spud seems to like standing on her head, and occasionally will do this weird flippy thing which puts pressure on my bladder and means I have to actually sprint to the toilet. I nearly missed a train to work last week as I got to the end of the road and had to run back up the hill to the house (which I’m sure made for an amusing sight). I’m changing my pants a couple of times each day, because my lady bits are gearing up to actually, ya know, have a damn baby; and, due to body temperature increases, I’m sweating a lot more. Also, weirdly, hormones have caused my sweat to actually change smell. Yep, that’s right, I *smell* different, and it’s really peculiar. I keep catching a whiff (not massively unpleasant, just, you know what I mean), and it’s like “Oh lordy, is that me?!” I shower and bathe regularly, use deodorant and perfume daily, and still this new aroma wafts through and it’s highly disconcerting.
Some of the symptoms I experienced during the first trimester, boob expansion, fatigue, etc. have continued but I’ve either got used to the sensations or it’s eased for the time being, as I haven’t gone up any more in my bra size, and I can often get through a whole day without a nap, now! Fortunately the dizziness and headaches haven't made too much of a reappearance recently - long may that continue...
How is everyone else getting on with the second trimester? Any weird symptoms during this time?
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