Poking Around
After all of the excitement of yesterday (T is super excited about having a little girl – it’s going to be fricking adorable), I was on a roll so I rang the GP at about 8:30am, to make an appointment for my flu and whooping cough vaccinations.
The nurse was very quick: I had one jab in each arm, just below my shoulders (with the tiny buds of cotton wool taped there I feel as though I have a teeny pair of shoulder pads!) and the whole thing took less than two minutes I think!
I don’t know which arm I had which vaccination in, but I have a tingling sensation in my right fingers which is leading me to think that I had the pertussis vaccine in that one, as that’s the jab that gives some people arm-ache. I’m also starting to feel a little queasy, but that could just be that it’s nearly lunchtime and I’m getting a little bit peckish.
Did you have any side-effects from the vaccines during pregnancy? How long did they last?
**UPDATE** Afternoon: Right arm has gone completely dead. I've had a pretty bad back for the past week or so, and coupled with exhaustion and work I've really not been up for much movement. So with all of the energy of a day off I had planned a lovely long yoga session, maybe some light weights and centre barre practice. But actually all I'm fit for now is slumping on the sofa watching Disney movies and mainlining hot chocolate as that's about the maximum range of motion of my arm...
**UPDATE** Next Day: Still achy and sore in both arms, though it's more pronounced in the right arm. I was working today, though, and the fact that I was forced to move about helped a bit, I think. However, during the afternoon, I definitely got some miniature flu symptoms! My skin started to hurt and every joint in my body began to ache; I got a headache, felt lethargic and hot, and generally a bit rubbish. However this eased as the day wore on and I felt much better by the time I got home and was curled up with T on the sofa.
Receptionist: “Oh, we can see you today at a quarter to nine”To be fair it’s probably a good thing that I had barely enough time to put a bra on and find a pair of shoes, as I’ve been reading about some of the side-effects people get from having these jabs and I was starting to get a little bit anxious. Not over the jabs themselves - I don’t get funny around needles – but around the potential for feeling sick over the next couple of days and having a dead arm. But I packed myself up and strode round to the surgery, and hopefully I won’t get sick over the next couple of days…
Me: “In the morning? As in, now?”
R: “Well, in fifteen minutes, yes…”
The nurse was very quick: I had one jab in each arm, just below my shoulders (with the tiny buds of cotton wool taped there I feel as though I have a teeny pair of shoulder pads!) and the whole thing took less than two minutes I think!
I don’t know which arm I had which vaccination in, but I have a tingling sensation in my right fingers which is leading me to think that I had the pertussis vaccine in that one, as that’s the jab that gives some people arm-ache. I’m also starting to feel a little queasy, but that could just be that it’s nearly lunchtime and I’m getting a little bit peckish.
Did you have any side-effects from the vaccines during pregnancy? How long did they last?
**UPDATE** Afternoon: Right arm has gone completely dead. I've had a pretty bad back for the past week or so, and coupled with exhaustion and work I've really not been up for much movement. So with all of the energy of a day off I had planned a lovely long yoga session, maybe some light weights and centre barre practice. But actually all I'm fit for now is slumping on the sofa watching Disney movies and mainlining hot chocolate as that's about the maximum range of motion of my arm...
**UPDATE** Next Day: Still achy and sore in both arms, though it's more pronounced in the right arm. I was working today, though, and the fact that I was forced to move about helped a bit, I think. However, during the afternoon, I definitely got some miniature flu symptoms! My skin started to hurt and every joint in my body began to ache; I got a headache, felt lethargic and hot, and generally a bit rubbish. However this eased as the day wore on and I felt much better by the time I got home and was curled up with T on the sofa.
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