Moving Milestones

Spud’s turning into a little gymnast, and it’s so exciting!

The other day I was even able to lie in bed and watch little movements in my stomach – I’m torn between finding it utterly entrancing and utterly horrifying that there’s a tiny human bopping around in my belly! I'll often pop a pair of headphones over my stomach and play some music through to her: I don't know if she can hear it (although the weekly development emails tell me that babies can hear outside noises from around twenty-two weeks), but she does seem to kick a little more on certain pieces of music! She's especially fond of Swan Lake, Pachelbel's Canon, and anything by Ella Fitzgerald - the girl's got good taste!

While I’ve been feeling stronger and stronger movement as time has gone on, (and T can feel them most of the time now too) it’s only been in the past day or two that I’ve been feeling them when I’ve not been looking out for them, such as while I’ve been at work or otherwise distracted, and that’s a lovely sensation.

We reached viability this week as well, which is a big milestone! Twenty-Four weeks is when the foetus is considered to be ‘viable’, as in the chance of survival outside of the womb reaches more than 50%. While the actual week of viability varies from place to place between about 22-24 weeks, because 24 is the outside figure, it’s the one that a lot of people use. This basically means that if, god forbid, Spud decided to arrive now, or if there was a problem, doctors would use medical intervention to help her. It’s a reassuring week to reach, and I definitely feel as though we’re on the home straight now!

The next big milestone is hitting the Third Trimester, which I’ll bump in to in the next couple of weeks – another exciting yet terrifying thought as it means we’re so very nearly at the end and there’ll be an actual other person in our lives as opposed to just an abstract that’s dancing away in my ever-expanding stomach.

Which events or milestones do you remember from your pregnancy?


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