I Get A Kick Out Of You

The first flutter that I thought I might have felt was at 14weeks and 5days, as T and I sat in a little café near our flat. I don’t know if that’s what it was, and for a good few weeks afterwards, whenever I felt anything I wasn’t sure whether I was even feeling it or just wanting to so badly that I was imagining movement or sensation. It was so sporadic and barely-there anyway that I couldn’t say for certain that I even felt anything again at all for at least another two or three weeks.

The first movements felt by the mother were traditionally called a ‘quickening’, as ‘quick’ is an older English term meaning ‘alive’, and in an era pre-sonogram or doppler, it was the first indication that the mother was *actually* pregnant and that the baby was alive. It was also traditionally the first legal markers of life, and therefore protection and rights. Interesting right? Every day’s a school day!

Over the past week or two (from about 18+5: I'm now at 20+4) I have been getting little bubbles that feel like gas, but in the wrong place. It’s a common description of a Spud’s first movements, and I’ve read that first-time mommas often ignore the sensation thinking that it is gas, or morning sickness, or muscle twitches (because it does feel a bit like that!) I suppose one benefit of training in dance and working in performance means that I’m overly alert to any changes in my body and I’m used to working out whether a twinge might be a twitch or (in dance) potentially an injury.

So, the other night T and I curled up on the sofa and he rested his hand on my stomach as I tried to explain what I was feeling.

I’ve variously described these feelings so far (at 20+3) as bubbles popping to the lower left of my abdomen; the *lost my stomach* sensation that happens when you go over a bump unexpectedly, or miss a step on the way down a flight of stairs; popcorn popping so far down in my stomach that I actually googled ‘do you feel baby move in your vajajay’ the other day; hiccups just above my foof; and, T’s favourites, either the *about to trump* feeling, but at the front, or the bubbly, creaky sounds that happen in your chest when you’re building up to burp, but feeling instead of sound, and in my lower stomach instead.

Lovely, right?

I’m noticing these feelings more and more recently, and they're much more obvious now; for a while it was just while I was sat down, concentrating (during the end of week 18 into the beginning of week 19), but now, even when I’m walking around or doing other stuff I can still feel movement, though it’s still definitely more noticeable when I’m seated. It was reassuring that, while at our scan, Spud gave a little kick that T saw and I felt, so I know I'm definitely feeling movement and not just indigestion!

Spud seems to be particularly active between 7-8am as I’m eating breakfast and getting ready for work, then often again around lunchtime; there’s a bit of a rumble in the mid-afternoon between 2-3pm and then in the evening, when I’ve eaten and I’m nice and relaxed I often feel a little jig break out. It’s cool, kiddo, I dance when presented with food as well.

It’s such a weird feeling to know that there’s a little human dancing around down there! When did you first feel your Spud move? What did it feel like?

**UPDATE** This morning T felt Spud move for the first time! I felt a whacking great thump, and he felt it as a barely perceptible nudge, but still! At 20+4, T felt our little lady Spud have a wriggle! (Heart bursts with all the emotions)


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