Boys and Girls

I’ve been unbearable all day; I don’t know how T has coped with me!

This afternoon we had our Second Trimester scan – officially referred to as the Anomaly Scan, most people call it the Gender Scan as it’s usually the time when the gender of the baby can be clearly identified. And we were very keen to find out!

Also, as I may have mentioned once or twice previously, I’ve been hopping with impatience for this scan as it feels like forever ago that we last saw Spud!

So we filled the day with activities to kill time, each pretending that we weren’t obsessively clock-watching, until mid-afternoon when we nipped down to the hospital (arriving half an hour early!) for our appointment.

And Spud did not want to play along. Remaining stubbornly upside-down the entire time, the sonographer was unable to complete accurate measurements. Even despite me getting up for a walk, some star jumps, and even an impromptu spot of yoga in the middle of the room, Spuds head stayed plonked on top of my bladder! The bonus part of this, though, is that we have to (get to!) go back next week for another scan so they can complete the checks, and we get to see Spud again!

What they could see was absolutely fine, and T was watching the screen with a huge smile on his face (because of the angle of the monitor I could only see the edge of the image, which was a shame). At one point Spud let loose a mighty kick, and T asked me whether I’d felt that one. Answer: yes, yes I did.

Actually, it was lovely to see and feel a kick simultaneously; as I said a couple of weeks ago I was unsure whether the pops I was feeling were kicks. Now I know that they are.

Oh, and Spud is a girl! I was so convinced it was a boy in there. Just goes to show what I know, hey? Although the Old Wives Tales erred on the side of girl, so maybe there’s a little grain of truth in there? Probably not. The only thing I know for certain is that she’s going to be called Spud for the rest of her life regardless, and I’m sure she’ll simply love that…

How did your Second Trimester scan go? Did you find out whether you were having a boy or girl, or did you leave it as a surprise?


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