Very Superstitious

As I may have mentioned once or twice already I’m pretty impatient! The next big milestone seems to be miles away, but it’s actually just this time next week, and we’re hoping to find out whether Spud will be a born a girl or a boy!

Since day one I’ve been thinking one way, I just described it as ‘a feeling’, though, admittedly, I’ve never been pregnant before, so what I’m thinking is a feeling of “it’s that one”, could actually be a feeling of “it’s *not* that one”… (I know that makes very little sense)

So, while we wait, I’ve been trying to work it out from some of the old-wives tales…

*This is just for fun – please don’t take any of these too seriously! Remember, there’s a 50/50 chance that any of them will be correct!

A heartbeat faster than 140bpm is said to indicate a girl. Slower is (by default then) a boy.
When we heard the heartbeat the other week I did ask how it sounded, but the Midwife just told us it sounded clear and strong, she didn’t say speed, so I don’t know. My friend P asked whether the beat sounded like a train or a horse, and while I hadn’t thought about it in those terms exactly, as it kind of just sounded like a heartbeat, I supposed it was more like an engine than a gallop (though T thinks the other way around!) so I’m going to go from my perspective because I’m the one writing this post so I have the power.
Conclusion: Boy

Nub TheoryThis is said to be between 60-95% accurate depending on the date of the first ultrasound. Basically, the idea is that foetuses have a 'nub' at the base of the spine, which can be seen in ultrasound pictures when the baby's legs are extended. If this nub is at, or greater than, a 30degree angle, the baby is likely to be a boy; less than 30degrees or parallel to the spine and the baby is probably a girl. At our Twelve-Week scan we purchased two images; in one of them what I think might be the nub appears to be at quite an angle, but in the other picture it seems to be lying flat. But then it might not even be the nub that I'm looking at! Let's go with the slightly clearer of the two images on this...
Conclusion: Girl

Skull TheoryIn the ultrasound picture, if your baby’s head has a higher forehead and smaller jaw, this is said to be a sign of a boy. A more tapered forehead and wider jaw supposedly suggests a girl. Again, some parents-to-be swear by this as one of the most consistently correct signifiers of sex.
Conclusion: Boy

CarryingGirls, apparently, sit high in the abdomen and cause momma to put on weight all over whereas boys are carried low and all up front. While I have put on a lot of weight, I don’t feel as though I’ve gone up all over, and I’m definitely carrying low out front.
Conclusion: Boy

Blooming Looks- Boys bloom, so goes the saying. If you get that pregnancy ‘glow’ in the second trimester, it’s said to indicate a boy, whereas girls “steal their mother’s looks”. T thinks I’m looking beautiful, but it’s practically his job to say that, and no one else has gushed about how gorgeous I’m looking right now, so who knows? On balance, I’d say boy, because I take the compliments where and when I can.
- Girls are said to cause softer, oiler skin with more spots, when boys make their momma’s skin drier. I’ve always had combination skin so this one is a little confusing for me. I don’t often get spots except when I’m due on, and I have had more spots than usual without the usual time-of-the-month excuse. So, girl, perhaps?
- And, girls cause their mothers nails to break but boys help them grow faster and stronger. My nails have been growing quickly (probably because of all of the good stuff in prenatal vitamins) but break loads (because I work in retail and I’m using my hands all day) So maybe girl?
- Finally, more hair growth is supposed to be a sign of a boy. Some sources specify hair on the head, others are not so discriminatory and take into account the entire body. I have noticed that I’m developing a soft down on my tummy, and more baby hairs sprouting from my head, which would appear to balance on boy…
Conclusion: Inconclusive – 2 for Girl, 2 for Boy

BoobsBreasts grow at an uneven pace, and the lop-sidedness is said to be an indicator of sex: A bigger left breast is a sign of a girl, with the right one predicting a boy. My boobs have just become monsters to me, so T was happy to help with this experiment.
Conclusion: Girl

Dilating PupilsStare at yourself in the mirror for at least a minute, and not only will your own face start freaking you out, if your pupils dilate you’re having a boy (nothing to do with the ambient light in the room, nope). I approached this very scientifically and sat in a constant, natural light, examining my eyes and nada.
Conclusion: Girl

Linea NegraSome mums-to-be notice the formation of a darker line running from their belly button down. This is called the Linea Negra and it’s perfectly normal, but if it continues above your belly button this is a sign that there’s a boy kicking around in there. I don’t have this symptom, so this one is also inconclusive.
Conclusion: Inconclusive

Circles or Side-To-SideThis is a popular game at baby-showers and such: tie your wedding ring to a string, or suspend it on a chain and hold it above your bump – if it swings side-to-side it’s a girl, if it goes round in a circle that’s a boy. T and I aren’t married, so no ring, but a few years ago he gave me a beautiful necklace for Christmas so we used that. Not helped by one of the cats trying to catch the dangly thing we got a series of fun swings before I think it settled down into a circle, though T said from his angle it looked like it was going side-to-side… again, though, my post; my prerogative.
Conclusion: Boy

NumbersThere’s a few here: If your age at conception and the year of conception are both either odd or even, it’s a girl. If one is odd and one is even, it’s a boy.
OR take your age at conception and add the number of the month of conception: if it’s an even number, that’s a boy and an odd number here is a girl.
OR use the Chinese Gender Predictor Chart, which, again, takes the age of the mother and the year at the time of conception.
Conclusion: Girl (on all three)

CravingsWhat are you craving during your pregnancy? Salty and Savoury, or Sweet Treats? Savoury proteins or carbs are said to be a sign of a boy, whereas girls, being sweeter, cause their mothers to crave the same. (Anyone else see a correlation here with the food, the weight gain and the skin situations, eh?) I’ve never been fussy with food – except celery; celery is the stuff of the devil – and pregnancy hasn’t affected this: I just want all the food.
Conclusion: Inconclusive

FoodstuffsHere’s something to occupy a lazy Saturday afternoon…
Some parents swear by baking soda, so go pour your urine into two tablespoons of the white stuff. If it fizzes up your bump is a boy; no fizz is a girl. (NB: baking powder is a different thing – bicarbonate of soda IS the same thing) I did have a go at this as I found some ancient bicarb in the back of a cupboard while I was searching for pasta.
Otherwise, if you have the time and a spare red cabbage lying around, you could chop it up and steep in boiling water for ten minutes. Strain the water into a clear bowl then mix up equal parts of the water and your urine. The colour it turns tells you the sex of the baby – red or pinky shades mean a boy, purplish or lilac shades mean a girl. And, finally, when you eat garlic do you smell of it? If you do you’re having a boy, but if you’re still perfectly fragrant then you’re having a girl. So go eat a clove of raw garlic and get your partner to have a sniff. Or, you know; don’t.
Conclusion: Girl

Morning SicknessGirls are allegedly pretty hard on their mothers, aren’t they!? As well as supposedly stealing your looks, girls are said to cause morning sickness, more than boys. I know plenty of mommas who would disagree with this one but I’m basing it on my own experience so it’s pretty clear.
Conclusion: Boy

HeadachesBoys are a headache. Permanently. But if you’re having more during pregnancy that’s a sure sign that your body is preparing you for the future, and that a boy is on the way. I used to get migraines when I was younger, and apart from that hideous one a few weeks ago I’ve not had any more or less than usual. I suppose if I had to choose on this one I’d go boy though.
Conclusion: Boy

MoodHow are your hormones? Girls make mothers moody, whereas boys make you more chilled out. I’m pretty chill most of the time anyway, and pregnancy hasn’t changed this. But, again, trying to come down one way or the other…
Conclusion: Boy

FeetIf your feet have grown during pregnancy, you’re carrying a boy. Staying the same size means it’s a girl. I know that foot growth during pregnancy is, in part, due to the compressibility of the cartilage between the bones (mine is super soft) and that most people at least experience swelling because of water retention. I haven’t, yet, but I’m fully expecting it as I get heavier.
If you have colder feet than usual this is a sign of a boy, apparently, so on the surface, for me (and T at night), this one is shockingly obvious. Nothing to do with winter approaching, I’m sure, or the fact that T has always referred to my toes as ‘footsicles’. I’m going to play along though.
Conclusion: Boy

Falling For ItAre you more clumsy than usual? Walking into walls or falling over more? If so you might be having a boy. If you’re sailing through with the grace of a swan, you’re going girl. I’m not particularly clumsy, usually, and I haven’t noticed whether I’m bumping into stuff more or less often, so let’s assume I’m all elegance and grace.
Conclusion: Girl

Partner WeightIf your partner or significant other remains the same weight, you’re having a boy. If they’re also piling on the pounds then you’re having a girl. Because I’m sure that when you’re eating all of those sweets and chocolates than your other half is going to abstain aren’t they? *Insert Eye-Roll Emoji*
T has been super busy recently so hasn’t had time to hit the gym. Naturally this means he’s putting on a little weight, so for the purposes of scientific experiment I’m counting it.
Conclusion: Girl

ColourOf your pee. A darker coloured urine is supposed to suggest a boy, and lighter shades mean a girl. Again, nothing to do with general hydration levels, of course. I drink loads of water anyway, and I’ve been trying to drink even more while pregnant, so my pee is practically colourless and I’m not sure how seriously I can take this one (if any of them, to be fair!)
Conclusion: Girl

Picking SidesOpposite preference to boobs: falling asleep on your left side is a sign of a boy and preferring your right is a sign of a girl. The thing is, though, I’ve been training myself to sleep on my right since reading that this is the safest sleep position during pregnancy. I also toss and turn throughout the night, but I think, on balance, I most often fall asleep lying on the right side.
Conclusion: Girl

PillowsWhich way does your pillow face while you sleep? A north-facing pillow means you’re carrying a boy, but a south-facing one means a girl. This seems a bit absurd to be honest; I mean, who takes a compass to bed with them, and what if the pillow lies East to West, huh?
Conclusion: Inconclusive

LovingSo, on the night you conceived, who was the more aggressive partner? If it was momma then you made a boy, if it was pops you made a girl. If you can’t remember because you don’t keep a record of your sexytimes, then you’re perfectly normal and will have to just wait and see.
Conclusion: Inconclusive

Hands DownAgain, this one seems a bit odd, but anyhow: if you present your hands out with the palms facing down, this means you’re having a boy but if your palms are facing upwards this means it’s a girl. The thing is, though, when in day-to-day life are you spontaneously asked to put your hands out in front of you, and if you try and do it yourself then surely you’d just do it the way you might want it to ‘predict’?
Conclusion: Inconclusive

Other ChildrenThese don’t count for T and I as Spud is our first, but I’ve included them here for either the future or for other parents who are also parent-to-be: was your previous child’s first word “mama” or does the hair at the back of their head swirl in a clockwise direction? This next one is going to be a girl. If the last child said “dada” first or if their hair swirl is anti-clockwise, they’ve predicted that the next one’s a boy.

ConclusionSo if I take each subheading alone then there are Eight Boys, Nine Girls, and Six Inconclusive. Breaking it down into their component superstitions reveals Ten Boys, Fourteen Girls, and Eight Inconclusive…

This didn’t help at all, but it did keep T and I occupied and amused for half an hour.

What superstitions or predictions have you heard? Which ones were correct for you?


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