Pay to Play

I’m currently working part-time, as I come to the end of a year-long degree, but my boss is brilliant and actually suggested that I went back to full-time so that my maternity pay would be better!

I did a little research and found this PDF, published by the UK Government, that details both the employers’ responsibilities to a pregnant employee and the reciprocal responsibilities of the employee. It also explains, not only what has to happen, but why it has to happen as well, which is particularly helpful.

The Maternity Action website is also super informative (if a little wordy). It provides details on when maternity leave can start, when employees need to inform their boss or company that they intend to take maternity leave, any mitigating circumstances that might change that, and much, much more.

It’s a little bit baffling and overwhelming.

Were there any particularly helpful resources that you found, or snippets of advice you were given while looking into maternity leave and pay??


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