First Past the Post

Well, this is exciting, I’m nearly at the end of the First Trimester!

It feels, in part, as though it’s gone really quickly, but I guess it’s a pretty short Trimester in reality since, even though I found out quite early on in the process, it was still four weeks or so down the line. However, on the flip side, my god has it only been two months since I peed on that damn stick? How is Spud not here yet??

I have been really lucky over the past couple of weeks – I’ve had no morning sickness, no mood swings (though T may disagree!) and no food aversions or cravings; unless you count craving just food in general? My appetite is through the roof: I’m trying to eat really healthily though – maintaining the quality since the quantity is uncontrollable!

This week has been a little challenging, however, as I'm still in the middle of a cracking cold, and there's nothing I can do about it! Usually, I'd curl myself up under a blanket and drown myself in Beechams or Lemsip, while mainlining ibuprofen. But this time I've just got to suck it up and deal with it, which sucks. I'm keeping up my water intake, drinking lemon and ginger tea with honey, and sleeping when I can. I have bought some Vicks Vapour Rub which I'm dissolving in boiling water to use as a steam inhaler, but I'm so bunged up that I can't even smell it when I have the pot right in front of my face!

I have noticed my boobs getting bigger, and they’re a lot warmer to the touch as well with the increased blood flow. This has also caused occasional bleeding gums and congestion, and I’ve had daily stomach and abdominal niggles as the ligaments begin to relax and stretch. It’s all perfectly normal, I know, and I count myself lucky that, aside from the crushing fatigue and ridiculous bloating that I experienced in the first couple of weeks, I seem to have got off fairly lightly with this Trimester…

Plus, everyone seems to agree that the Second Trimester is fun, so bring it on!

How was your First Trimester? Was your second more fun?


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