Bumpy Blues

For the past couple of days I’ve been feeling really blue.

It’s definitely a combination of a lot of things: hormones being the main culprit, I know. It’s also probably because of this interminable heat that just won’t relent and is, along with Spud, sapping all of my energy - it rained a couple of days ago and I was so excited that I went and stood in the back garden just smelling the rain and grinning like a loon!

But knowing it logically doesn’t always make it better. Sometimes it can make it worse knowing that, rationally and objectively, there’s nothing at all to be blue about, because then I feel like I’m being selfish and ungrateful, and that leads to feeling blue that I’m being unreasonable.

I’ve heard of Postnatal Depression, the Baby Blues, but I’ve recently been reading about Prenatal Depression; what I’m dubbing the Bumpy Blues.

I don’t know whether I’m quite at that stage, whether I might just be feeling the effects of heat and tiredness, but I have had issues with mental health in the past. I can usually manage the symptoms of anxiety and the blues without intervention; yoga, healthy eating, and sleep are my main medications! We mentioned it to the midwife last week as she was going through the checklist, so it's on their radar.

T is also exceptionally good at recognising when I’m about to hit a low patch so I’m sure that between the two of us we can muddle through. And because we're used to dealing with these ups-and-downs, we're equipped for them - the curve-ball is definitely Spud as I'm not sure how my hormones are going to factor in this new addition to the mix.

Did you experience Bumpy or Baby Blues? How did you manage it?


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