You're Hot Then You're Cold

After complaining last week about the heat, I’ve now gone and got a cold!

I mean, I’m still complaining about the heat, it’s flipping hot. But it’s partly because of the heat that I’ve caught a cold, as everywhere is blasting out their arctic air-conditioning, which feels great but is a bugger for spreading germs.

Annoyingly, pregnant women are a lot more susceptible to catching bugs and bits. It's often thought that it's due to the immune system crashing so as not to affect the baby, but newer studies seem to think that it might actually be the opposite: our immune systems are running super high, which means that when we get ill, we really get ill.

I don’t know, I’m not a doctor. All I know is that I’m stuffed up, have a sore throat, and feel grumpy (grumpier than usual, anyway).

Stuffiness may also be because of pregnancy: because blood supply increases, it can cause swelling of soft tissues, and tissues in the nose are especially soft, leaving pregnant women open to sensations of stuffiness, and nosebleeds! I’ve not had any of those though, fortunately!

I would usually treat this with Beechams or Lempsip, but these aren’t allowed during pregnancy as they contain a decongestant.  I'm also not allowed paracetamol yet as I'm still in the first trimester! So for the time being, I’m going to dose myself up on lemon, honey and ginger tea and watch Disney movies to make myself feel better.

Do you have any tried and tested methods for coping with illness while pregnant?


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