Vitamins and Vitals

Since I found out I was baking a Spud I’ve been taking a prenatal vitamin. The one I’ve chosen (because it was the only one in the tiny pharmacy near my flat) is Pregnacare Original. Is this a good one?

As I wrote the other day, we are the google-generation, so whenever any thought pops into our heads, we google it. And a google of Pregnacare results in several pages of conflicting experience plastered over MumsNet, Babycare, NetMums, and all of those other sites. I know that everyone’s different, so what works for one will react badly for another, so I’ll probably just keep taking them until I get told to stop – which may happen at our first meeting with the midwife.

Speaking of which, my package from the antenatal clinic eventually came through! It confirms my first scan at the hospital and provides a handy-dandy booklet filled with all of the things that could possibly go wrong with me or Spud, as a little light reading before naptime.

The letter also said that the midwifery team would be in touch with me soon, which feels really odd - I'm going to have a midwife... I'm going to have a damn baby!

How did you get all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs during pregnancy?


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