Telling Time

Ha. I got to tell my mother she was going to be a grandma… Actually, I think she took it rather well.
I know it’s traditional to wait for three months before breaking the news, but I’ve never been particularly traditional. Also, my family are quite close (and nosy) and if I did wait the standard amount of time, they’d definitely be pissed off that I hadn’t told them, so in the last twenty-four hours I have let most of the family know. Those that I haven’t told yet will find out in the conventional manner: via Facebook.

Also, to be fair to my grandma, it’s been a few days and its not in the church bulletin yet, but that could just be because there hasn’t been a Sunday so far…

I've also let my best friends know, and they're super-excited. One of them is momma to two young boys so she has been texting constantly with tips, and all of the exciting physical changes I have to look forward to. Fun.

T has told his best friend and his sister, but his parents are away at the moment so we have a week or so to psych ourselves up for that particular reveal!

Who did you tell first? How did they react?


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