Looking Forward

For someone who is terrible at planning ahead, I honestly feel as though I couldn’t have scheduled the timing of this pregnancy better if I had tried.

It’s so hot. I really, honestly feel for all you lovely ladies who are about to pop at this time of year: I’m uncomfortable enough as it is in this heat without having to cart around a whole extra human the entire time! And I’m not one of those elegant, gorgeous girls who throw on a boho maxi dress and looks effortlessly cool. For a start, I’m really rather short so all that maxi-dresses do for me is tangle around my ankles and pitch me into ditches (it’s happened).

I’m very grateful that I’ll be at my biggest, and most anti-social, at precisely the time of the year when it is not only permitted but actively encouraged to wear stretchy, cosy, comfy clothes, and hibernate like a grouchy bear under layers of blankets. Because that’s what I’ll be doing.

In body news, I’ve still got that weird stitch-like ache in my left side, though it’s more of a dull twinge every once in a while now. My other aches and pains are either reducing or I’m just getting used to them now, and I swear to god that my boobs are getting bigger by the second: I look away for a second and they’ve practically doubled in size each time I glance down – I won’t be able to see my fingers to type soon!

How are you coping with the heat, ladies?


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