Chicken Salad Chats
Last night T and I sat in our lovely garden as the air temperature cooled from scorching to bearable, and realised that this was the first chance we had gotten to actually just sit and talk. We have talked, obviously, we don’t wander around the flat in silence, but we’ve only had snatches of conversation during brief car journeys, or mumbled in the morning before heading off to work.
Over dinner al-fresco – a yummy homemade chicken salad – we discussed, in depth, what we were going to do about our living situation, and, although nothing has been resolved (except for ‘win the lottery’) I feel a lot calmer now that we’re properly exploring our options.
I mentioned last week that I had filled in the self-referral for the maternity unit at our nearby hospital after my GP told me that I didn’t need an appointment (which I’m still a little surprised about, as I am in my 30’s and they have me on file as a smoker, though I’ve quit since finding out about Spud). I waited a couple of days without hearing anything before calling the unit, and a lovely women confirmed that they had received my details and that I had been booked in for a scan. She said that there was a letter in the post to me with the information and details on the next steps including contacting the midwifery team.
However, it has been a week now and I still haven’t got the letter, so I’m not sure whether I should call again, or leave it for a few days? Maybe I’m being over-vigilant? After all, this is our dearly beloved NHS, which turns 70 this year, and I’m sure that by the time I hit 70 I’ll be slowing down a little too…
In the meantime, T and I are trying to come up with a list of questions to ask the midwife and we’re kind of hitting a wall, since we are the google-generation, and have little-to-no experience in asking questions of an actual person.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to ask the midwife?
Over dinner al-fresco – a yummy homemade chicken salad – we discussed, in depth, what we were going to do about our living situation, and, although nothing has been resolved (except for ‘win the lottery’) I feel a lot calmer now that we’re properly exploring our options.
I mentioned last week that I had filled in the self-referral for the maternity unit at our nearby hospital after my GP told me that I didn’t need an appointment (which I’m still a little surprised about, as I am in my 30’s and they have me on file as a smoker, though I’ve quit since finding out about Spud). I waited a couple of days without hearing anything before calling the unit, and a lovely women confirmed that they had received my details and that I had been booked in for a scan. She said that there was a letter in the post to me with the information and details on the next steps including contacting the midwifery team.
However, it has been a week now and I still haven’t got the letter, so I’m not sure whether I should call again, or leave it for a few days? Maybe I’m being over-vigilant? After all, this is our dearly beloved NHS, which turns 70 this year, and I’m sure that by the time I hit 70 I’ll be slowing down a little too…
In the meantime, T and I are trying to come up with a list of questions to ask the midwife and we’re kind of hitting a wall, since we are the google-generation, and have little-to-no experience in asking questions of an actual person.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to ask the midwife?
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